The Franklin Veterans Club (hereafter FVC) is a non-affiliated veterans organization incorporated under Maine laws in 1979. FVC is one of the largest non-affiliated veterans groups in Maine with a total membership of 280 from all over the United States. For IRS purposes, FVC is a 501 (c) 19 organization and has an EIN number of 90 0244265.
FVC provides a wide range of activities for it's members, including social functions, special events throughout the year, and assistance in obtaining veterans services. There are periodic potluck dinners and special occasion dinners, such as Thanksgiving and Christmas, and occasional barbecues. FVC operates a members bar six days a week from 3:00 PM to about 8:00 PM. In addition, the social functions and special events, along with promoting member interaction and community, also serve as fund raising mechanisms to support the organizations' charitable activities. This fund raising also includes specific fund raising events, such as dances, open mike nights, auctions, and other activities usually open to the public and usually tied to one of the FVC charity programs or initiatives.
The Franklin Veterans Club supports a diverse number of community and veteran's causes. These include:
Support of Local Little League, including providing and maintaining a ball field on FVC property.
Support of Local Farm League
Providing a Christmas Party for local area children
Providing financial support to area organizations, such as schools requesting special need or other assistance
Providing veteran's assistance to members and non-members in seeking counseling and/or other help from the VA or other agencies
Providing financial support to veterans organizations, such as The Travis Mills Project and the Maine Veterans Project
Provides financial support for and operationally responsible for the Flags Over Franklin Project, placing U.S. flags on Franklin roads and streets
Participates in Memorial Day and other national observances
Revised: June 29, 2017